Letting the Light In
I once had a window in my home where the view to the outside world was obstructed for many years. The window was blocked off by a piece of furniture that had been placed in front of it. You see, when I first moved in, I had this lovely furniture that I was fond of which was bought for the former home I had lived in. It had been selected to fit in a different space.
When I moved into my new space, I wasn’t ready to let go of the contents of my old home, so when that piece of furniture didn’t quite fit in the new space, I made it fit.
I made excuses and justifications.
“It will help insulate the room.”
“I won’t have to close the blinds, it’ll create privacy.”
When we aren’t ready to give something up, we come up with the cleverest excuses. The truth is, I wasn’t ready to give it up. I still had much to learn.
As I connected more and more to love through my own healing journey (and became more well-versed in feng shui!), I came to a point of awareness where I realized the obstruction was costing me more than it was giving me.
When the moment of awareness presented itself, it wasn’t a matter of should I release it, rather I simply had to release it to feel at peace. I couldn’t allow it to remain there for a moment more.
Through my own inner healing, the wool had been lifted from over my eyes granting me a clearer view and perspective.
I was ready to have my physical space reflect
my upgraded vision.
Even my eyesight improved!
The day I unhinged the mirror from the wardrobe that had been obstructing my view, I was amazed to see the gift that was awaiting me on the other side. You see, on the other side was a view of the sky and trees and, as it turned out, the best place in the house to see the sunrise.
The mirror blocking the view had simply been reflecting to me the blocks that I needed to release. Once those blocks had been lifted on the inside,
the mirror was no longer necessary.
The landscape within has a powerful impact on the landscape around us.
What are you holding on to that’s blocking your view?
What are you ready to let go of?
Honor the process and the time it takes, knowing that love has the capacity to transform any landscape—and it creates one heck of a view.
Much Love,